Friday, July 29, 2011

Getting you up to speed!

Hi y'all!

I've been into this project for about 3 months now...I promise I will eventually explain why it took me so long to start blogging about it, but for now I expect this update will make you forget my little mishap :-P

I'm posting a bunch of picture from my outdoor and indoor gardens, those are about 3 weeks old, so things have changed a bit since then, but it still gives a good idea of what's happening...

I've got many types of tomatoes and peppers, some melons, although I don't think they'll do very well, cucumbers, strawberries, raspberries, and some grape vines

The outdoor crop is there mostly for observation of phenotype; resistance to water, diseases, wind, cold, etc. I will be taking cuttings from the best plants and transplanting indoors soon....

And that's where the fun begins!

See, in my opinion, food needs to be grown locally, close to where it is consumed. For many reasons. Don't get me wrong, I'm not some extreme left anarchist, I actually used to find the views of the Greenpeace crowd ridiculous. But I've come around...

Local production allows for fresh, nutrition produce that doesn't need to be ethylene ripened, that requires very little transportation. The produce tastes better, is much safer for human consumption on many levels.

More importantly I'm the poster boy for greenhouses. No more pesticides, herbicides, full environmental control, no need for crop rotation anymore, year round local production, and if you can stick in hydroponics as well, you've just eliminated soil born diseases such as e.coli and salmonella.

Stay tuned for more on this later!

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